Wednesday 20 October 2010

Does the cruelty of the pre-payday week know no boundaries?

Today, I can safely say was spent productively wallowing in self-pity. The office was so cold, I was layered like a transient* wrapped in his Sunday finery, our long awaited sample sale (the shining beacon of this week's diary) was rescheduled and to top it off, several of my favourite retailers decided to launch mid-season sales and from what can I tell, solely as a form of fiscal torture.

Not only do they know that I am sans funds, but items I kindly paid full price for last week, have been given a jolly 25% off, meaning I will now be given those dreaded 'Oo I think he got those in the sale' second glances. To add insult to injury, they also decided to throw in a couple of things I REALLY wanted, at a frankly disrespectful price, which left me with the only option but to put them in my 'shopping bag' and pray that by some means of electronic miracle/ screw up, the items were paid for and delivered to me first class, just in time for a weekend on the bread line.

We can live in hope...

*don't get me started on transients. Walking through London bridge yesterday (a scene of several of my encounters with vagrants, notably the infamous strawberry frapuccino incident) I walked past a guy with a sign saying 'any change will help'.

Now, I'm not one to begrudge someone of 20p, but the guy was sitting there listening to a NEW ipod nano AND he had highlights. I almost felt like taking a spot next to him and start pleading my case.

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